Vinyll's blog

( Python, Javascript & Web stuff… )

Lineage OS stuck in recovery after update

The solution was to find where the update file was located in order to apply it and then to dd 2 files in order to reboot the phone.

Installing the LineageOS update

I had no idea where it was though I knew it contained the word "nightly". I could therefore make a search based on that:

adb shell
find | grep nightly

It showed the following path: /data/data/org.lineageos.updater/app_updates/

I could therefore browse from the recovery mode to apply this update.

Rebooting the phone

Edit: I saw the command fastboot continue would do the trick. I'll test it on my next update.

What I had found was to reinstall the whole system which was not an option for me. I finally felt lucky to find a proper solution without reinstalling my phone.

adb shell
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/fota
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/misc

Note it may take a few seconds for each command line to apply. The phone would then reboot normally, though the first boot would be slightly longer.

By vinyll on Feb. 4, 2017
