Vinyll's blog

( Python, Javascript & Web stuff… )

Articles related to "Django"

Django tranings and workshop

New trainings about Django are coming out. We try to make it cooperative and learn together. It happens on 3 or 4 days with a training day about Python prior Django if you don't know the language.

AMO and Zamboni gotchas

Are you working on Zamboni too? Cool, join us all, we'll be 2! If you're a Python developer, just come and join the Mozilla's open source project called Zamboni. If you do, here are some tips and reminders if you meet the same difficulties that I had. Please note that this article is in heavy continuous development.

Managing configuration files with Django

Having multiple environments requires multiple configurations : local for development, staging for pre-production and production. Each share some settings and override others. Here's a way to manage it with real ease and never read again those "if DEBUG is True:" or "if ENV is 'local'"